Engage & Learn
Acting Track
Theatre 1 - Is an introductory Theatre class, with emphasis on basic acting techniques, students will be introduced to performance, Theatre History, Technical Theatre, and Theatre Studies.
Theatre 2/3 - Is an advanced Theatre class with an emphasis on superior stage performance. Students will gain advanced level training in acting as well as continue studies in Theatre History and Play Studies. Performances will be required by the students in this class.
Top Class/Productions - This is our most prestigious acting class in the department. Students will continue study in advanced acting techniques and will have performance requirements. Students will also begin studies in Directing and Producing, and will produce the final show of the year, Off Broadway, West on Josey. Students are required to fulfill main stage production hours. By Audition Only.
Technical Track
Technical Theatre 1 - Is an introductory Technical Theatre Class, with emphasis on basic technical theatre skills. Students will gain hands on experience with tools and equipment in the Theatre Department. Students will also study design concepts, play production analysis, Theatre History, and Theatre Literature.
Technical Theatre 2/3 - Is an advanced Technical Theatre Class. Students will continue studies in advanced design, production, and analysis. This course provides students the opportunity to staff our main stage production season, as well as events in the Performing Arts Center. Students are required to fulfill main stage production hours outside of class.
Top Tech - Our Elite Technicians who are interested in running all events in the Department and for Fine Arts. With Director Permission Only